Before Kimera Koffee I would have at least two to three monster energy drinks just to stay alert, but now I only need a full thermos. I work construction and deal with measurements and machinery, so I need to be focused and aware. Kimera does that for me, plus I don’t get a crash.
Steven Leyva - Verified Buyer
“My experience prior to using Kimera + Kacao booster was pretty standard. I was really just drinking coffee at this point to keep the caffeine headache away. Once I switched I tapered in with 4 oz of Kimera the first 3 days … I’m up to 8 oz a day now and it keeps me focused with out the crash my previous coffee blend would leave me with.”
Katelynn Smith - Verified Buyer
L-Theanine is a natural amino acid found in green tea that has been shown to create a relaxed state of focus. Even small amounts have been shown to increase alpha-waves in the brain, which are linked to creativity. (1) Best of all, it works synergistically with caffeine, increasing reaction time and mental endurance. (2)
DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) is a precursor to choline, and a natural beneficial compound found in fish. It’s known for boosting mental performance by optimizing production of acetylcholine - a primary neurotransmitter involved in learning and memory. (3) It also increases concentration and improves feelings of wellbeing. (4, 5)