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November 26, 2019 2 min read

You’ve been there before… after pressing the “snooze” button too many times, you’re running late for your morning meeting, and you skip breakfast because it will take too long to make. So you brew a cup o’ Joe and speed down the road. At Kimera, we think your priorities are in line by not heading out the door without that caffeine boost, but let’s take it one step further and add some protein to the mix to keep you satisfied until your next meal.

An organic coffee-based protein latte will take five minutes from start to finish, and we double-dog dare you to find a breakfast option that takes less time.

Here’s our favorite protein latte recipe… Oh, did we mention it’s keto-friendly?



1 1/2 cups hot brewed Kimera Koffee

1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk

1 teaspoon organic coconut oil

1 scoop chocolate protein powder

1 scoop collagen peptides


Blend the coffee for about 30 seconds, until all coconut oil is melted & coffee is frothy. Enjoy immediately. Creamy heaven!


If you’re looking for some major gains in the gym, your new BFF is protein. That’s because protein is a macronutrient that is packed with amino acids (the muscle-building building-blocks). So for the times when you’re not attached to your protein-filled blender bottle, here are seven of the best sources of lean protein…


Grass-fed beef - 22 g in 3 oz

Organic chicken - 21 g in 3 oz

Lentils - 18 g in 1 cup

Wild-caught salmon - 17 g in 3 oz

Black beans - 15 g in 1 cup

Free-range eggs - 7 g in 1 large egg

Almonds - 5 g in ¼ cup


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